Sunday, November 10, 2013

Top Indian Hackers and Hacking Groups

Top Indian Hackers and Hacking Groups

So here we go...  
Today I'd explain some truths and some secret things that probably you haven't heard before.Yes, I am going to reveal/unveil the short introduction of the Indian Hackers and some of the popular Indian hacking groups.
But before that I'd must say those hackers/script kiddies i am talking about they are neither like great hackers nor they have huge popularity in International Cyber World. But as far as India is concerned they are really great and these guys have done enough jobs for our Indian Nation. So I have decided to make a post about those guys because whenever someone searches on Google about Indian hackers, they will find only the 5-6 hackers from India, such as the Indian Professional Hackers/Inventors Like Pranav Mistry, Koushik Dutta, Vivek Ramchandran, Hari Prasad, Jayant Krishnamurthy, and the most controversial Ankit Fadia. We all know these people. Of course they are great and they have become popular through their hard work and extraordinary talent. But what about those guys who are working day and night and fighting Cyber Wars with the countries likePakistan, Bangladesh, China and many more ??? 
Even they are not fighting for money or anything else. They are fighting just for their Nation. They are fighting for our India and they are happy with it. But if you look at the above 7 professionals who are so popular and earning huge money just for giving a brief lecture or taking a college seminar. Remember I respect these professionals and they are definitely talented and they have also huge knowledge. 

So I am giving a brief description of Indian Hackers and Hacking Communities.

Note: Perhaps Many of the seniors will be disagree with me for using the term "Hacker" with these young guys but here i'm completely describing my own point of view because they are doing for India and we should give proper respect to them and also i'd like to mention that the above professional hackers were  also like these people, they have become hackers later and this young guys will become too... 

You all know about this community. Indishell is the most popular and one of the leading hacking group of India also the community known as Indian Cyber Army (ICA). Indishell has total 8 Core members and more than 40 other members. As far as cyber wars are concerned Indishell is the one who attended each and every cyber wars for our Indian Nation. The founder of the Indishell group is LuCky and some core members of this group are...

DarkwOlf, Ashell, Irfninja, Manish, Ebin, Silentpoison, Atul, Inxroot, Cooltoad, RootDevil, Striker, Ethicalnoob, Exesoul, Ramankumar, and some others whom I can't expose publicly without their permission.

I think I don't need to describe about Indishell's achievements. There is a huge list. If I start talking about the sites and history of websites that was hacked by Indishell this page is not enough to complete. So google it..!   

TOF (Team Open Fire):
Team OpenFire or OpenFire is one of the leading hacking community not only Indian hackers some of the International hackers also Involved here. CODED32, the founder and the moderator of this group is one of the talented hacker from India.
Here is the name of the core members of team OpenFire. Remember I can't expose the all names of core members here  because it might brings up some dis-conveniences later.  

CODED, Wiretrap, TRID3NT, Ion, Foxinious, 4g3n7.1337, Olli Muller, John Horder, Cyber Tremmour, K10, HP, COde InjectOr, Lethal Code, Mr.T.Att4ck3r, Scriptionix. 

Here I am exposing some achievements of team openFire: 
Ebay, Natinal Portal of Bhutan Government,, IBM Research, Sony Pakistan, 
LG Electronics Pakistan, Microsoft India and Intel. Such high profile websites were hacked by Team Open Fire.

Team NUTS™ : 

Here N U T S stands for Never Underestimate The Spirit. Team NUTS is also one of the most dangerous and well known hacking community of India founded by Mayank Yadav. Yadav is one of the popular guy from Team NUTS and as far as I know, he is a good Photo Graphic Designer too. Specially Team NUTS is focusing on Pakistan. Because Pakistan is the one of the countries who are randomly damaging Indian Cyber Spaces since 4-5 years. So Team NUTS has a great significant for defacing Pakistani websites and they have hacked more then 1000 pakistani website and servers. 

Here are three core members of Team NUTS™ : Mayank, Prateek and Yash, and I'd not publish other member names here without their permission.

Team Grey Hat: 

Team Grey Hat [TGH] is one of the most hungriest group of Indian Hackers. Lot of high profile websites and government websites were hacked and many important servers were rooted by Team Grey Hat.

So India, Hope I have explained a brief introduction to you about our Young Hackers and the Indian Hacking Communities and groups.
Remember there are two other groups, who are also fighting cyber wars... 

So these are the hacking groups of INDIA. Usually they are Black hat Hackers of INDIA. But these young hackers are securing our INDIAN Cyber Spaces and Fighting for our Nation with the other countries. 


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